Prepare for the Winter Months with a Preventative Maintenance Strategy

If you look outside, the weather is still warm and sunny with fall only just beginning to creep into people’s minds – and that’s the ideal time to start preparing your building for the cold months ahead. Heating puts significant demands and stresses on HVAC equipment and commercial boiler systems, and different fuel sources require a different strategy to preventative maintenance and startup to ensure that your system runs smoothly and reliably through the winter. Here are some insights from local commercial HVAC contractors in New Jersey. Types of Commercial Heating Systems Natural gas heating – This is the most common type of heating in the USA as it is generally affordable and widely available. Oil heating – This is common in the Northeast USA where there is far less infrastructure for piping natural gas. Electric heating – This is common in areas where access to natural gas is limited and where electricity is competitively priced. Geothermal heating – Heat pump...