Why is Indoor Air Quality So Important?

Actually, indoor air quality has always been important but perhaps COVID-19 has changed the way we think about, and prioritize the need for indoor air quality. As the country begins to reopen, commercial businesses with an eye on the continued health and wellness of their employee populations, have placed a renewed emphasis on ensuring the right equipment is in place for this. The team at Tri-Tech Energy is often brought in by engineering companies to assist with the creation of an indoor air quality strategy. This work has included apartments, hotels, factories, and of course, our New Jersey Schools. Our team truly believes in the importance of good indoor air quality for students and will do whatever we can to support the safe return to school. In this article, we will discuss the importance of indoor air quality further, as well as different ways to achieve this in schools, other public buildings, and even at home. Indoor air quality (IAQ) management encompasses seve...