How Does a Rooftop HVAC Unit Work?

Rooftop HVAC units (RTUs) are very durable, weather-proof, and can withstand most extreme weather conditions. You’ve probably seen RTUs at your local shopping mall, hospital, school, and other public buildings with flat roofs. They work the same way as other external ground-level HVAC units or indoor HVAC units by providing hot or cold air to a building or home. RTUs are ideal for buildings with flat roofs and you’ll most often find them on rooftops of commercial buildings. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how rooftop HVAC units work: Fresh air is introduced into the RTU via the air hood or economizer on the side of the unit. Air hoods resemble mini-awnings with a small opening underneath it – this keeps snow and rain out while allowing air to enter. After fresh air enters the RTU, it then gets mixed with the return air and moves into the system’s filters where any contaminants are removed before it’s released into the building. After being decontam...