Minimize Heating and Cooling Costs with Advanced Control Systems

With the US Department of Energy’s finding that almost 40% of energy costs for the average commercial building is spent on heating, cooling and ventilation, Tri-Tech energy has found that these energy costs can be significantly reduced while maintaining your comfort and air quality by simply upgrading your existing HVAC system with advanced controls. – here are some insights from our commercial ventilations systems team. Advanced Control Systems for Packaged HVAC Systems HVAC systems in commercial buildings in the USA – in fact, 60% of commercial buildings make use of advanced controls. By adding control systems to existing packaged HVAC systems, the savings can be considerable, with study leader and PNNL engineer Srinivas Katipamula saying they demonstrate ranges between “a whopping 67% cost savings in San Francisco to a still-substantial 28% in Seattle”. So, what would these controls do? They include air-side economizers that use cold air from the outside...