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Is Building Automation the Key to an Energy-Efficient Summer?

For building operation managers and owners, keeping energy costs down is a priority – at the same time, you also want your tenants to be comfortable in a healthy, clean environment. Building automation systems/services (BAS) may be the right investment to bring long-term costs down without sacrificing quality of life. Here are some insights from commercial HVAC contractors.

What are Building Automation Systems? 

Essentially, BAS is a system of technology and equipment that allows your building’s discrete systems to be fully integrated and controlled at a central point. Systems that can be integrated in this way include commercial HVAC systems, CCTV and security systems, lighting, internet, irrigation systems and much more.

Large building automation systems are often implemented as a collection point for the presentation of data from other systems. In particular, heating control systems which result in the majority of energy savings in a building, can often act as a “poor man’s” building automation system, providing internet and wireless access for monitoring energy usage throughout a building without the other bells and whistles.

Feedback to Customize Services for Maximum Efficiency 

BAS or Energy Management Systems as they are often called, also deliver comprehensive feedback to your team, including performance data, energy use and more, which is ideal for monitoring alarms and performance analysis. It can also alert your team to potential problems in the system, for example, a drop in air pressure that may indicate a loose blower belt or that your HVAC filters need replacing. This allows you to deal with problems quickly before they result in costly inefficiencies or repairs.

The system’s feedback mechanisms also allow you to identify when your HVAC is under strain by monitoring its energy usage. An unexplained spike in energy usage will be picked up immediately, allowing you to schedule a maintenance check. This extends the lifespan of your HVAC system by reducing stress factors that lead to wear-and-tear.

By automatically calibrating temperature settings and making adjustments throughout the day, your tenants are not only kept happy and comfortable, you are also able to maximize savings and lower energy usage. If you have multiple tenants with different operating hours or needs, the system can deliver this with ease as well as supply individual usage monitoring to allow you to bill separately with great accuracy.

Need Commercial HVAC in NJ? Speak to A Qualified, Experienced Commercial HVAC Contractor Today About Building Automation 

Tri-Tech Energy is a dedicated commercial heating systems and commercial HVAC services company in New Jersey, with a reputation for excellence and comprehensive, high-quality services – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our team of contractors is able to service commercial buildings of any size, from restaurants and hotels to malls, factories and office buildings. With over 30 years of experience in repairs, maintenance and installation, we have what it takes to deliver the heating, ventilation and air conditioning solution your business needs. For more information on our company or services which include commercial boiler service and repair, commercial heating system repair, and HVAC repair, please contact us today and speak to a qualified commercial HVAC contractor or visit our website at

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