
Showing posts from August, 2021

10 Easy Ways to Make Your Boiler More Efficient

  Your  boiler  is what heats your water and allows you to take hot showers, hot baths, use hot water for cooking and laundry. Access to instant hot water is a comfort of modern life that we’ve grown accustomed to. Your boiler is constantly working so you can enjoy that warm, relaxing bath after a hard day at work.  Unfortunately, constant boiler usage can also mean expensive monthly bills, which is why it’s important to ensure your boiler is operating at maximum efficiency. Aside from the recommended regular boiler inspection and maintenance, there are steps you can take today to improve your boiler’s efficiency and function. 10 ways to improve boiler efficiency and function Lower the stack temperature.  When you lower the stack temperature you lower the operating temperature, meaning your boiler won’t have to work so hard when it’s idling, or when it’s not heating up water. No boiler should be operating at maximum capacity at all times, so lower the stack temp...


A packaged rooftop unit, called an RTU, is an   HVAC system   installed on the rooftop of a building. Many commercial buildings with flat roofs opt for RTUs because they don’t take up valuable space inside the building and are out of the way when they’re on the rooftop. They’re also can be very energy efficient and cheaper to run than other HVAC systems.  RTUs are often described as an HVAC system in a box, because all the heating and cooling components are packaged together into one unit, making it easier to set up, access, and maintain. As with other types of HVAC units, RTUs need regular maintenance to keep them running efficiently and safely to maximize their lifespan. Why Regular RTU Maintenance Matters Neglected RTUs can result in expensive problems that disrupt your business. An RTU breakdown is especially inconvenient during the summer or winter, when heating and cooling is essential. Regular RTU maintenance can find and prevent a range of problems, including: Lea...