10 Easy Ways to Make Your Boiler More Efficient


Your boiler is what heats your water and allows you to take hot showers, hot baths, use hot water for cooking and laundry. Access to instant hot water is a comfort of modern life that we’ve grown accustomed to. Your boiler is constantly working so you can enjoy that warm, relaxing bath after a hard day at work. 

Unfortunately, constant boiler usage can also mean expensive monthly bills, which is why it’s important to ensure your boiler is operating at maximum efficiency. Aside from the recommended regular boiler inspection and maintenance, there are steps you can take today to improve your boiler’s efficiency and function.

10 ways to improve boiler efficiency and function

  1. Lower the stack temperature. When you lower the stack temperature you lower the operating temperature, meaning your boiler won’t have to work so hard when it’s idling, or when it’s not heating up water. No boiler should be operating at maximum capacity at all times, so lower the stack temperature for when your boiler is resting. 
  2. Invest in an economizer. Economizers use the excess hot gas to heat water that’s on its way to the boiler, and they save energy. 
  3. Clean the boiler tubes regularly. Soot, dust, and other debris regularly builds up on your boiler tubes, causing them to bring down the heat transfer rate and increasing energy use. 
  4. Ensure your boiler is getting the right amount of air. If it’s not getting enough air then the fuel will be oxidized and less heat will be released. It also poses a serious health hazard because it generates carbon monoxide. If it’s getting too much air, efficiency will be reduced. 
  5. Insulate the valves. Exposed valves result in heat loss and can make the area where your boiler is extremely hot. This presents a hazard because it can cause burns, so we recommend insulating the valves.
  6. Reduce excess air. All boilers need air to function properly, but too much air can render your boiler inefficient. Monitor your air quantities with an automatic combustion control system to ensure your boiler is using the correct air levels. 
  7. Use a variable frequency drive. Although not necessarily widely known, variable frequency drives allow your system to control the flow with pump or fan speed, making it much more energy efficient. 
  8. Preheat the combustion air. Your burner will not need to work as hard if it receives warm air instead of cool air, so preheating the air is a great way to cut down on fuel costs. 
  9. Clean scale and other build-up from the waterside of your boiler. Limescale build-up interferes with your boiler’s efficiency, so we recommend cleaning it regularly to avoid clogs, leaks, and other costly damage. 
  10. Maintain your boiler system. It’s common to never call an HVAC maintenance company until something goes wrong, but investing in regular maintenance keeps your boiler in top working condition and helps prevent costly damage.

What affects boiler efficiency?

Boiler efficiency is most commonly affected by excess air, ambient temperature, convection and radiation losses, and fuel specification. If you notice you’re spending more money than usual on your monthly energy bill, or you notice your hot water supply isn’t constant, please contact our team at Tri-Tech Energy so we can find and fix the problem.

What is a good boiler efficiency?

The best boilers on the market have a whopping 90% efficiency rate, while conventional boilers have a general efficiency rate of around 70-80%. The type of boiler you need will depend on the building type, so consult with our team in NJ about what works best for you.

If you’d like more information about improving your boiler performance, or if you have other boiler system questions, please contact our team at Tri-Tech Energy today. Our experts are happy to help you improve your boiler efficiency and answer any questions you may have.

Original article posted here - https://www.tritechenergy.com/blog/commercial-boiler-services/10-easy-ways-to-make-your-boiler-more-efficient/


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