If you’re a new property owner, have you partnered with a trusted commercial HVAC contractor yet? Commercial properties like apartment complexes, schools, shopping malls, and other properties all have unique HVAC needs, and having a go-to commercial HVAC contractor on call is highly recommended. Here are four reasons you should establish a partnership with a commercial HVAC contractor local to your building. 

Increase your energy-efficiency

Do you know if your HVAC system is operating at the highest efficiency level possible? Aside from reducing the environmental impact, energy-efficient HVAC systems save you money, and they also last longer because they aren’t straining as hard as older systems to properly cool and heat your property. 

When you partner with a commercial HVAC contractor, they will:

  • Inspect your current system and identify areas for improved energy efficiency
  • Modify your HVAC system to make it more energy efficient
  • Install a new, more energy efficient HVAC system if your current system can’t be upgraded
  • Help you apply for any state tax rebates or incentives available for energy efficiency
  • Conduct regular maintenance checks to keep your system running smoothly
  • Be available around the clock for emergency repairs

You’ll receive better indoor air quality

One thing we learned from COVID-19 is the importance of having excellent indoor air circulation and filtration. This is especially important for office buildings and classrooms, where dozens of people are going in and out on a daily basis. Poor indoor air quality can result in health issues like headaches, eye irritation, nose irritation, sore throat, fatigue, and dizziness. Occupants of your building have a right to breathe clean, fresh air and a commercial HVAC contractor can ensure that’s the case. 

Whether it’s replacing the air filters, cleaning the vents and fans, or upgrading your entire system, it’s important to have the cleanest air possible flowing through your building. That being said, ask your contractor to check your air quality and see how it can be improved. 

Regular checkups and maintenance services

Scheduling regular checkups is the best way to prevent your HVAC system from breaking down or experiencing serious problems. Your commercial HVAC technician can spot any issues or potential problems before they get worse, and having your system serviced on a regular basis is the most effective way to keep it running smoothly and operating at maximum capacity. We’ve all experienced the inconvenience of having our heating or air conditioning just stop working – and in commercial properties it can be a serious issue that costs you valuable time and money. Investing in regular maintenance checks with your HVAC contractor is highly recommended, both for your budget and for the health of your system. 

Get assistance from certified HVAC professionals in NJ

Having an HVAC expert on call will give you peace of mind, and knowing that your contractor is just a phone call away means you won’t have to scramble to get assistance if something goes wrong. Many commercial contractors, like ours at Tri-Tech Energy, are available to answer your questions and provide assistance throughout the day. While regular maintenance checks do prevent many HVAC issues, unfortunately unforeseen problems can still arise. When they do, you’ll need a professional on your side who can attend immediately and fix the issue. 

Originally published at: https://www.tritechenergy.com/blog/partner-with-a-hvac-contractor/


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